PN Photodiode & PIN Photodiode



PIN Photodetector Characteristics for Optical Fiber Communication

What Is an Photodetector? An optical detector is a device that converts light signals into electrical signals, which can then be amplified and processed.

PIN diode

PIN photodiodes are used in fibre optic network cards and switches. As a photodetector, the PIN diode is reverse-biased. Under reverse bias, the diode ... Characteristics · Applications · RF and microwave switches · Photodetector and..


光感二極體的工作原理基於光的吸收過程,稱為內光電效應。當一個具有足夠能量的光子撞擊到光感二極體上時,它會激發一個電子,產生一個自由電子(同時產生一個 ...

Pn Photodiode&Pin Photodiode



3mm Round, T-1 3/4. LED燈光二極體3mm 圓形. 找產品. 產品系列. 01. LED LAMPS 標準發光二極體指示燈 · 02. SUPER BRIGHT LED LAMPS 超高亮度發光二極體指示燈.

PIN Photodiodes 光二極管

光二極管Si PIN Photodiode. Vishay Semiconductors VEMD8081. VEMD8081; Vishay Semiconductors; 1: NT$89.64; 8,724庫存量. 製造商元件編號. VEMD8081. Mouser 元件編號


Marktech Optoelectronics High-Speed InGaAs PIN Photodiode Photodetectors are a high-sensitivity and high-reliability product series.

PIN photodiode

A PIN photodiode is a type of photodetector or semiconductor device used to convert light signals into electrical signals. The name PIN is derived from the ...

p–i–n photodiodes

A p–i–n photodiode, also called PIN photodiode, is a photodiode with an intrinsic (i) (ie, undoped) region in between the n- and p-doped regions.


WhatIsanPhotodetector?Anopticaldetectorisadevicethatconvertslightsignalsintoelectricalsignals,whichcanthenbeamplifiedandprocessed.,PINphotodiodesareusedinfibreopticnetworkcardsandswitches.Asaphotodetector,thePINdiodeisreverse-biased.Underreversebias,thediode ...Characteristics·Applications·RFandmicrowaveswitches·Photodetectorand..,光感二極體的工作原理基於光的吸收過程,稱為內光電效應。當一個具...